We should meet in air
KH7 Artspace
29/11 - 14/12 2024
Nanna Riis Andersen, Johanne Helga Heiberg, and Signe Parkins explore and expand the use of drawing as a visual art medium. The artists have chosen the phrase ‘We Should Meet in Air’ as a shared artistic framework. The phrase is taken from Sylvia Plath’s poem ‘Lesbos’ from her 1965 poetry collection Ariel. The title ‘We Should Meet in Air’ evokes associations of a connection in another sphere, perhaps an otherworldly place. Together, the works present a poetic and complex vision of the world as seen through the artists’ eyes. A world where the vulnerable and the massive coexist simultaneously—not as opposites but as a unified force.
The exhibition is supported by:
Kulturudviklingspuljen, Aarhus Kommune
Gottfred og Gerda Eickhoffs Fond
Statens Værksteder for Kunst
Photo: Mikkel Kaldal
Det blodet ved, 2024, 178 x 184 cm, acrylic, tusch and pen on silk
Det blodet ved, detail
Vrede noter (notes of anger), 2024, 178 x 184 cm, acrylic, tusch and pen on silk
Vrede noter, detail
Kompost, 2024, 91 x 97 cm, acrylic and tusch on silk
Stækket bjerg, 2024, 93 x 92 cm, acrylic and tusch on silk
Signe Parkins: Ufuldendt forvandling, 2024
Johanne Helga Heiberg: Dive and Caress / Entanglement, 2024